Christian Service - Audiobook


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Bring souls to Christ's feet is the most important mission that Jesus left the church. But this is not always easy. Christians must learn to demonstrate the love of God in every act of our lives.Learn to be social, helpers, volunteers, patients with people who do not know Jesus is not optional. And for this purpose we are fulfilled we need the help and the help of the Holy Spirit. That is what this book primarily.
In addition you can discover effective methods to reach the heart of every person around us.
On the other hand, the church, home, are places where God wants us to train young people in order to learn share the love of God with others.
In short, this book, a compilation of various writings of the christian author, Ellen White, and it is one of the most powerful tools to win people to Christ with God's help.
In order to hear the audio of each chapter, it is necessary that your device is connected to the Internet.